Rating (V), Kilovoltampere Rating (KVA), Frequency (f), Number of Phases,
Temperature rise, cooling class, percent impedance, name of manufacturer etc. data
are given by a Transformer nameplate. In the large power transformers nameplate
also include Basic Impulse Level, Phasor Diagrams for 3-phase operation and tap
changing information.
Voltage Rating
values are voltage rating, high side and low side etc. Full-load values depend
on the connected load’s power factor, so this data are not given on nameplates
only No-load data are given. Voltage rating in No-load include a winding
designator such as a Long dash (─), Slant (/),
Cross (×), or Wye (Y) to indicate
(─): Indicates voltages are from different windings.
(/): Indicates voltages are from
same winding.
(×): Indicates voltages that may be
obtained by reconnecting a two part winding in series or parallel. This type of
winding is suitable for single wire operation.
(Y): Indicates voltages in a wye
connected winding.
for Voltage Rating:
Single Phase:
/ 120: 240V winding with a centre tap.
× 120: Two-part winding that may be
connected in series for 240V, or connected in parallel for 120V.
─ 120: A 240V winding and a separate 120V winding.
Three Phase:
4160 ─ 440Y / 260: A 4160V delta connected winding, and a separate 440V wye
connected winding an available neutral connection. The voltage of the delta
winding is always given first.
Frequency: Transformers
rated frequency.
KVA: Transformers
rated apparent power (Kilo Volt Ampere).
Percent Impedance: At the
indicated temperature, the percent impedance of the transformer measured.
Based on an ambient temperature of
30˚C, the maximum allowable temperature rise of the transformer.
30˚C, the maximum allowable temperature rise of the transformer.
Class: The insulating
medium and the cooling method.
BIL: The Basic
Impulse Level or BIL of a transformer is a method of expressing the transient
voltage stress that the insulation of transformer will tolerate without damage.
Transformer Nameplate:
In present Day, you can find the following minimum information and Data on a transformer nameplate. The following information and data for above 500 kVA transformers:
• Name of manufacturer
• Serial number
• year of manufacture
• Number of phases
• kVA or MVA rating
• Frequency
• Voltage ratings.
• Tap voltages.
• Connection diagram.
• Cooling class
• Rated temperature in °C
• Polarity (for Single Phase Transformers)
• Phasor or vector diagram (For Polyphase or Three Phase Transformers)
• % impedance.
• Approximate mass or weight of the transformer
• Type of insulating liquid.
• Conductor material of each winding.
• Oil volume (of each transformer Container/Compartment)
• Instruction for Installation and Operation
Figure: A Transformer Nameplate
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