Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Current Transformer

A Current Transformer (CT) is an electric component that produced an alternating current in its secondary coil which is proportional to the AC in its primary coil. Current Transformers are known as instrument transformer, which are designed for measurement. Current Transformers using in an electrical line with high current or high voltage where current or voltage directly measurement is too risky. CT gives a lower amount of current with its secondary which is proportional to the current in the primary. This lower amount of current is suitable for measuring instruments. Current Transformers are broadly used for metering and protective relays in the electrical power industry.

A CT is applying where we need to measure line / Phase current. It is some time difficult to measure directly for high current or high voltage of the circuit. A CT provides an isolated lower current in its secondary coil to the ammeter for showing the measuring value. This lower current is proportional to the current in the primary circuit and it is suitable for measuring instruments. Current transformer widely used in electrical power industry for measuring, billing and protective relays.