Saturday, December 5, 2015

LED (Light Emitting Diode) - New Concept of Lighting System

LED light bulb is developing by using of light – emitting diodes. Rated life of LED is much longer than other light bulb (incandescent, halogen, and fluorescent etc.). This things is occur for using “Solid – State” on a LED. Another feature of a Solid – state lighting is less vulnerable to failure due to vibration or shock.  

Where did they come from?

Nick Holonyak, Jr. is an American engineer and educator, invented light – emitting diode which is emitted visible red light instead of infrared light in 1962. Some factors kept the LED from advancing into general
lighting purpose. Mainly cost is a big issue of LED production. Another thing is, Red is only color which is produced by a LED until 70’s. Now, LED lighting technology is developing and it is overcome its limitations. That’s why new you can buy a LED light bulb for your home. LED lighting bulb started a new era for practical lighting usage.

How do they work?

From the beginning LEDs produced non – white colors. It is important to produced white color for using of LEDS in general lighting purpose. Now a day’s one of two methods is used to create white light.

The first method is RGB system. This system is working by mixing of red, blue and green diodes output light in close propinquity to create white light.

Second method is coating phosphor, which is coating an LED with phosphor in order to alter the color in the white spectrum. This technology is similar to the produced different hues of light from fluorescent lamps.

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